sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Edguy en Londres


Wala! Pero qué vendavales están asaltando nuestros pueblos y ciudades! Si hasta se han caído tejas del tejado, madre mía. Después de dos días divulgando la cultura por medio de un par de libros…XD volvamos con nuestro amado metal. Por cierto, pienso rescatar una sección, sí, se que queréis que vuelva, lo estáis pidiendo a gritos…Otra cosa! El contador de visitas sube como la espuma últimamente XD

El emblemático periódico asturiano "La voz de Asturias" se enfrenta a una regulación de empleo.
Están buscando soluciones y una de ellas ha sido crear un blog para depositar muestras de apoyos.
Víctor García cantante de la banda fue invitado por este medio a dar su opinión y mostrar su apoyo.
Me ha sorprendido sobremanera la noticia de la situación de LA VOZ DE ASTURIAS.
Ya que hoy por hoy estamos defendiendo nuestros valores, nuestro idioma y nuestra identidad, ella va marcada también por nuestros medios de comunicación y en este caso nuestros periódicos.
Se han dado multitud de apoyos en diferentes apartados para apoyar a empresas por su vinculación y su representación de Asturias ante el mundo, así que como asturiano entiendo que uno de esos apoyos ha de ser para un medio que ha estado informándonos del día a día de nuestra región durante años.
La crisis es para todos, no seré yo el que lo niegue, pero hay cosas que deben salvarse antes que otras y una de ellas es la pluralidad en cuanto a ideas opiniones e información, por eso, y para eso, debemos evitar que un medio como LA VOZ DE ASTURIAS desaparezca.
En defensa de esa diversidad solicito a los organismos autonómicos competentes que busquen las soluciones oportunas a esta situación, que no miren a este periódico como otra empresa más, si no como el símbolo que es, símbolo de Asturias ante los asturianos y ante el mundo.
Víctor García.

Review: EDGUY en la Islington Academy, Londres, 10 de enero 2009 (espero que tengáis buen inglés!)
Edguy took a lot of stick for 2006’s ROCKET RIDE, such was its departure from their normal symphonic power metal sound. To be fair, it wasn’t a bad album, it was just totally unexpected and fans were taken aback. 2008’s TINNITUS SANCTUS is a move along the same direction, but according to the band, is a more focused and solid album.
That was reflected in the setlist, which had five songs from the new album. While it was a bit weird not to hear old favourites like ‘Mysteria’, ‘Tears of a Mandrake’ or even ‘Vain Glory Opera’, it was nevertheless a demonstration of how firmly the band believes in their new album. Kicking off with the defiant ‘Dead or Rock’, the riproaring ‘Speedhoven’ and the heavy-as-fuck ‘Nine Lives’, Tobi and co. were in fine form!
Tobi was on fire, with a mix of awesome showmanship, incredible singing and tongue-in-cheek humour. He introduced their fourth song, “This is for the people who thought our last album sucked, who thought we had become too slow, this one’s for you” before launching into ‘Until We Rise Again’ from VAIN GLORY OPERA. Arse-kicking song!
‘The Pharaoh’ was another major surprise, from my favourite Edguy album MANDRAKE in 2001 (when I first got into them). The five minute long interlude in the middle of the song allowed a little noodling from Eggi, who played his bass parts sitting down, cross legged on stage. The song got a fantastic reception from the crowd, and Tobi quipped “That’s like an Iron Maiden song!” referring to the length and epic nature of the track.
More fun and games ensued, “Now please shut up, I’m serious. Now I’m going to do the ‘oh-oh’ of my life”, which he did. With his ironic wit, he said “Right, you know how it goes. I’m gonna split you up to right and left, and you on my left, you’re gonna yell your hearts out, and I’m gonna say ‘that was the best noise I’ve ever heard’, even though I say it every night to every crowd, and then you on the right will try and make them look like pussies. Okay?” Typically, he responded to the first round of roars with “That was the best, biggest load of okay-ness I’ve ever heard.”
‘Ministry of Saints’ gave the crowd a chance to sing along again, before Felix took his five minutes in the limelight with a drum solo. Interestingly, he started off drumming to the percussion in the theme of The Pirates of the Carribbean, and did a good job of it too! ‘Pride of Creation’ was the last TINNITUS SANCTUS song, and Tobi introduced ‘The Headless Game’ as being from THEATRE OF SALVATION, “great album, fucking ugly cover, but fuck it, heavy metal isn’t meant to be pretty.”
Tobi asked for all the lighters and mobile phones to be raised in anticipation of “the obligatory pussy ballad”, which was ROCKET RIDE’s ‘Save Me’, which also got a rousing rendition from the crowd. It’s a pity, there are better Edguy ballads out there, but oh well…’Superheroes’ left the crowd jumping and wanting more, but the band half-heartedly left the stage, also to set up the obligatory encore.
Barely 15 seconds later, they were back out for ‘Out of Control’. ‘Lavatory Love Machine’ and ‘King of Fools’ ended the night on an upbeat mood. I desperately wished that Andre would have come out and done at least one of the Avantasia songs, but alas, it was not to be. In spite of that, Edguy kept the pace and energy up from the very first song to the last, and they are genuine about making good music for themselves and for the fans. Wonderful musicians, great people and superlative performers, you can’t ask for anything more. It’s an auspicious start to 2009!
Dead or Rock
Nine Lives
Until We Rise Again
The Pharaoh
Ministry of Saints
Drum Solo
Pride of Creation
The Headless Game
Save Me
Out of Control (Encore)
Lavatory Love Machine (Encore)
King of Fools (Encore)

Ois, estoy enamorada de Tobias JAJAJAJA. ¿Os habéis enterado no? Pues hala. Mañana vuelvo, y espero que vosotros también ^^. Gracias por las visitas!

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