lunes, 23 de febrero de 2009


Cómo no, comentarios nuevos del concierto de WARCRY, esta vez en un periódico asturiano: “La Nueva España”.

Oviedo, J. BLANCO

«Warcry» es un grupo de Siero, pero de filosofía global. No en vano, ha logrado agitar las masas en diferentes santuarios de España e incluso de Sudamérica, donde ya fue recibido como un héroe. La última culminación (habrá más metas) fue en un lugar pata negra con público muy metido en la escena, exigente, entendido, genuino y auténtico: La Cubierta de Leganés. Ahí se enfrentó este sexteto a 6.000 almas y otros tantos corazones con ganas de mascar rock de altura. No defraudó y salió con la guitarra en alto y saludando largamente desde el escenario.

Un potente grupo de Siero, con espíritu heavy, aunque un heavy melódico: «Ante todo habría que definirnos dentro del heavy melódico. Ya sea más rápido, lento o cañero. Destaca la melodía. Es innegable si nos basamos en el tipo de público que nos sigue. Hay parte del público que no es heavy, captamos otros sectores por la melodía. Al final es cuestión de buen rollo y lo bien que lo pasa la gente», cuenta Víctor García, voz y gran parte del cerebro creativo de «Warcry».

La solidez del grupo es de oficio. Es decir, casi no había nacido, era una semilla en manos de Alberto Ardines (batería) y el propio Víctor García, y ya tenía disco a la vista. Era en el año 2002. Así que todo fue a la misma velocidad que el actual éxito del grupo, que a día de hoy ya tiene cinco discos en su archivo y un DVD; tanto un formato como otro alcanzaron destacados puestos en listas de ventas y de éxito. «El grupo nace de dos ex de "Avalanch". Grabamos dos discos el primer año y a partir de ahí comenzó la evolución de la banda».

Las cifras de «Warcry» dibujan un panorama magnífico: «Según algunos, se rondaron los seis mil espectadores en La Cubierta de Leganés, que era duplicar nuestra última actuación en Madrid; pero en los últimos años siempre llenamos: en Aqualung, 1.400; en la Riviera, 3.000 personas. Va creciendo, pero no hemos llegado a la meta», reflexiona la voz de «Warcry».

Hay otra filosofía de la banda que da motivos para los buenos resultados que han tenido: a pesar de los vaivenes en la formación nunca se desprendieron de su sentido musical. Por ello su nueva producción, la que ha motivado este espaldarazo del público, ha salido con nota de los estudios Miña de Bilbao. Finalmente, las tablas de «Warcry» también llegan por el trabajo. Nada viene de la nubes y, además, el rock siempre necesitó de su liturgia: furgoneta, carretera y horas de ensayo y estudios de grabación. La formación actual la forman Víctor García (voz), Roberto García (bajo), Pablo García (guitarra), Rafa Yugueros (batería), José Rubio (guitarra) y Santi Novoa (teclados): «Ésta es la formación estable. En el año 2007 cambiamos la mitad de la banda. Los cambios no se notan porque se busca que se note para bien».

Y así nació su última entrega, «Revolución». Ahora creen que con el éxito fuera también se les ha reconocido en casa. «Pero siempre pasa, mira Fernando Alonso».

Bueno, esto es una noticia “cotilleo” pero…Sharon y Robert (WITHIN TEMPTATION) esperan un nuevo/a hijo/a! Enhorabuena!!! Me alegro mucho por vosotros ^^ Recordemos que su primera hija se llama Eva Luna, puestos a poner cotilleos…

Cambiando totalmente de tema, y muy a mi pesar, anuncio la muerte del guitarrista de SENTENCED…(madre mía, que cambio)…

As previously reported, former SENTENCED guitarist Miika Tenkula was found dead in his home on Thursday, February 19th. Tenkula was 35 years old. The cause of death is yet to be revealed.

The defunct Finnish metallers have issued the following statement: "Sentenced mourn the loss of Miika Tenkula, a dear friend, a truly remarkable artist and musician, and the very soul of what used to be Sentenced. Rest now, brother - in your music and our hearts you will live forever."

Para acabar, una crónica de concierto de EDGUY.

Edguy’s latest studio album, TINNITUS SANCTUS, was released at the end of last year. The band is currently out on tour supporting the album and at the beginning of February the band stopped in Malmoe to perform at the honorary music club Kulturbolaget. Lead singer Tobias Sammet spent most of last year promoting the third album of his metal opera Avantasia which he also brought out on the road last summer. But now it’s time for Sammet to focus and spend time with his main act Edguy. The tours only stop in Scandinavia was in Sweden and Malmoe is one of the last stops on the European tour. Edguy brought along two support acts. Swedish H.E.A.T is supporting Edguy on the entire European tour while Andre Matos only took part on some of the tour. Another Swedish act All Ends was also support act this particular evening. I think it was the first time that Edguy played in Malmoe and it was gonna be fun to see the band perform for such an intimate crowd as 750 people.
The doors opened at 6:30 and the music was supposed to go silent at 12:00. It was an all ages show so everyone from the age of 13 was aloud into the venue. I ran into parts of the band earlier during the day, the only one I didn’t meet was Sammet, but the rest of the band was really nice and friendly.
The line to the venue grew long quite fast and the club was totally sold out. It was fun to see people of all ages in the club and it’s great to see that younger kids are continuing to carry on the hardrock and metal culture into the future. There were no fences in front of the stage and I was only allowed to take pictures during the first three songs and that’s why there aren’t so many pictures available in the review.
H.E.A.T was first to enter the stage and a lot of fans of H.E.A.T had occupied the front area of the stage. I didn’t think that the band had so many fans but apparently the band is the next big thing in Sweden at the moment. News magazines call them the next Europe. What I think of them is another story and not suitable to put in words.
Well, H.E.A.T got 30 minutes and after a short change of gear was it time for All Ends to go on stage. For me that only meant more and more waiting for Edguy and I got myself a beer in the bar to kill time. And finally, at about 21.40 were the stage lit again and the evenings headline act Edguy walked on.
The crowd exploded in cheers and went totally ballistic when the Edguy kicked off the show with “Dead Or Rock”. Bohnke sat behind a huge drum-kit and in front of an enormous backdrop showing the cover of the new album. On each side of the stage were two gigantic ramps placed and it looked like they had been built of bricks. Kulturbolaget has a pretty deep and wide stage so all of the band members had a lot of space to move around on, which they all did. Sammet was everywhere on stage and he said that it was great fun to be performing in Malmoe this night. He said it was about 3 years ago since Edguy last played in Sweden and that it was about time that they made it to Sweden once again. Then he introduced “Until We Rise Again” which was followed by “The Pharaoh” and “Ministry Of Saints, the last song was taken from the new album TINNITUS SANCTUS.

Sammet worked really hard and already in the third song did Kulturbolaget boil, sweat ran from the ceiling and I’m surprised that no one in the audience fainted. Sammet has an amazing voice and he is an amazing and spontaneous front man. There was a longer bass solo by Exxel in “The Pharaoh” which he did while he sat on Bohnke’s drum podium. After that there was a longer guitar solo by Ludwig, to be honest I’m quite tired off solos but I guess it can be necessary because then the singer, in this case Sammet, has a few minutes to go off stage to rest his voice a bit. The show did loose a bit of speed and intensity when those songs were performed. And like that wasn’t enough did all of the members except for Bohnke of stage and it was time for a drum solo. I have seen a million drum solos and the only special with this particular one was that he played the Twisted Sister song “We’re Not Gonna Take It” and that the audience sang the chorus to it. Otherwise Bohnke’s 8 minute drum solo a real show stopper.

“Theater Of Salvation” and “The Headless Game” were fired off when the rest of the members came back on stage. Sammet left the chorus to the audience in the last song and he said that they sounded like Hammerfall and sang Let The Hammer Fall a few times before he continued on with the song. After that it was once again time to go back to the new album and do the song The Pride Of Creation” in which the H.E.A.T singer Kenny Leckremo came up on stage to sing with Sammet. Their voices fitted perfect together and it sure spiced up the song. Then followed “Rocket Ride” and the slow ballad “Save Me” in which all of the H.E.A.T members came up on the stage and started to undress themselves, they brushed their teeth and got ready to go to bed and a few of the H.E.A.T members actually laid down on the brick ramps. Edguy just laughed and continued to play, they laughed so much that they actually couldn’t continue playing so they stopped in the middle of the song so they had to start over again. It was a really funny way of ending this leg of the tour.

Sammet thanked everyone for being there this evening and promised that Edguy will return to Sweden and Malmoe again in three years. Last song out on the ordinary set list was the amazing “Superheroes” in which Sammet wanted everyone in the club to sing along in. After the band had left the stage and 1.20 had past did the sweaty crowd wanted more and more and more from the band. And of course did Edguy come up on stage again to do encores. The first encore was a song that Sammet though reminded him of the Swedish act Europe, it was the song “Vain Glory Opera” and also in this song the audience sang a long quite heavily. Next up was another love song, “Lavatory Love Machine” and the show was ended with “King Of Fools” At the end of the song Sammet let each side of the venue sing towards each other and when the show was over I think that every single fan had gotten exactly what they wanted. Edguy delivered a stunning show with few flaws. The crowd was amazing and it’s not everyday that the ceiling and the walls of Kulturbolaget are dripping with sweat. This was sure one of the more memorable shows that Edguy has ever played here in Sweden. The band did fine with out any pyro and without the big backline the guys had when they played here before as headliners. This was an intimate show and they did a very good job. I really hope that the guys come back soon and that we don’t have to wait another three years to see and hear them live. Once again KB showed that they are one of the best hardrock/metal clubs in Sweden, it was a genius move to book Edguy to KB.

Dead Or Rock
Tears Of A Mandrake
Until We Rise Again
The Pharaoh
Ministry Of Saints
Drum Solo
The Headless Game
Pride Of Creation
Save Me

Vain Glory Opera
Lavatory Love Machine
King Of Fools

Felicitaciones a Sharon y Robert y mi más sentido pésame para Sentenced. RIP, Miika Tenkula.

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